A web design firm's perspectives on beautiful website design, content generation, and Search Engine Optimization; including insights on branding and low budget/no budget marketing.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Practical Uses for QR Codes...

Use your Phone's QR Code Scanner to visit this link.
This is an example of what a QR code looks like. It's compiled of a series of black and white pixels to create a unique pattern that a smart phone's QR coder could read.  Most smart phones don't have the ability (yet!) to just snap a photo, first you have to download an app.  I personally like the QRReader for iPhone (it's free!).  

QR Codes, short for "Quick Response" codes are popping up everywhere.  And if you're anything like the rest of marketing world, you're wondering just how you can leverage these little abstract pixelations to reach your consumer.  Remember, QR codes are only a means to an end - meaning, a QR code is not a message, but the way that your prospect, consumer, or client can access the message.  Check out the list below for some practical ways to implement QR codes:

  • V-Cards: Put a QR code on your business card.  People who scan the code will have the ability to download your v-card right into their phone contact list. 
  • Print it: in the newspaper or add it to your print campaign. Make sure your QR code takes your prospect to interesting content such as a contest, or a video tip.
  • Digital Newsletter: You are not limited to print.  QR codes can be scanned in digital media too. 
  • Enhancing an experience: If you are a brick and mortar business, this is a great opportunity to enhance the customer experience.  Assign QR codes to some key products and have it link to more information about that product when scanned - such as online reviews, or exclusive online coupons. 
It's important to remember that if your target is taking out their phone to scan the QR code, they need to find something exciting and relevant.  This experience should give back to them in some way, or allow them exclusive access to content the general online user wouldn't be able to find.

Take care when deciding where to place your QR codes.  Remember if someone is sitting down on a mall bench and scans your QR code they probably have more time to spend on the content, whereas someone shopping in a store wants access to your content quickly and efficiently.  Target your content and QR Code placement accordingly.

Be aware of the device your consumer is using.  Don't send your prospect to a cluttered home page meant for desktop users - they are on a mobile device so make sure you have  mobile ready content set up for your campaign.

Something I'll be doing for White Radish Design in the near future is buying some of these little sticker books and making my own QR Code stickers - who know's when you just might find the perfect place to put one?

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